The LEGO Minecraft theme continues to grow and grow as another two waves will be releasing in 2023. One of these has already been released with it being the usual January wave with a total of seven brand new sets. Meanwhile, the other wave consists of just four sets which all release on 1st August 2023 after being revealed just a couple of weeks ago.
The smallest of all these sets is 21240 The Swamp Adventure coming in at $9.99 but is based on the Wild Update which release just over a year ago. Here we see the brand new swamps along with the latest mob of a frog. Another frog can also be found in 21248 The Pumpkin Farm. This release on 1st August 2023 and includes just a singular frog along with Steve and finally a return of the Witch mob.
Other returning mobs and animals include the bees in 21241 The Bee Cottage and the axolotls in 21247 The Axolotl House. A Charged Creeper also appears in 21250 The Iron Golem Fortress which for $109.99 is easily the most expensive LEGO Minecraft set of 2023. But luckily it includes a range of brick-built mobs including the voted Crystal Knight skin, two Skeleton Horsemen and an Iron Golem.
21240 The Swamp Adventure ($9.99) - 65 pieces - 1st January 2023 (Available Now)
21241 The Bee Cottage ($24.99) - 254 pieces - 1st January 2023 (Available Now)
21242 The End Arena ($24.99) - 252 pieces - 1st January 2023 (Available Now)
21243 The Frozen Peaks ($34.99) - 304 pieces - 1st January 2023 (Available Now)
21244 The Sword Outpost ($44.99) - 427 pieces - 1st January 2023 (Available Now)
21245 The Panda Haven ($49.99) - 553 pieces - 1st January 2023 (Available Now)
21246 The Deep Dark Battle ($64.99) - 584 pieces - 1st January 2023 (Available Now)
21247 The Axolotl House ($24.99) - 242 pieces - 1st August 2023 (Revealed)
21248 The Pumpkin Farm ($39.99) - 257 pieces - 1st August 2023 (Revealed)
21249 The Crafting Box 4.0 ($79.99) - 605 pieces - 1st August 2023 (Revealed)
21250 The Iron Golem Fortress ($109.99) - 868 pieces - 1st August 2023 (Revealed)
30647 The Dripstone Cavern ($4.99) - 45 pieces - 2023 (Available Now)
40624 Alex ($9.99) - 83 pieces - 1st April 2023 (Available Now)
40625 Llama ($9.99) - 100 pieces - 1st April 2023 (Available Now)
40626 Zombie ($9.99) - 81 pieces - 1st April 2023 (Available Now)
