LEGO and Space seems to be an inseparable occursion in 2024 as the toy company's space branding has appeared on plenty of sets in just the first few months of 2024. Amongst the sets and themes with this branding including the likes of LEGO City, LEGO DREAMZzz, LEGO Technic and finally LEGO Friends. And the LEGO Friends theme is lucky enough to be getting another Space set in exactly a months time.
In particular, this Space branded set is 42602 Space Research Rover which will retail for $49.99 with a total of 514 pieces. As the name suggests, we've got a brand new brick-built Space Research Rover with space for two Minidolls. These Minidolls are Olivia and William who are wearing the Space Exploration outfits which were previously seen in January and return here in orange and purple.
The cockpit seems to have space for just one of the two Minidolls but the interior of the Rover has two beds for Olivia and William to relax and rest. These beds can be rolled over to display a workplace with a small kitchen area included. There's also space the dog thats included in 42602 to sleep and eat dog food and biscuits.
For $50, not only do we get the Space Research Rover with large orange wheels, but we also get a small planet scenery build. Here there's a range of out-of-this-world, bright colours of blue and pink. Two brick-built blue aliens are included who seem to be sitting inside of long, mysterious plants. Our two Minidolls had better be careful when exploring this unknown planet...
42602 Space Research Rover
Set Name - Space Research Rover
Set Number - 42602
Age Range - 8+
Piece Count - 514
Price - $49.99
Release Date - 1st April 2024
Another LEGO Space set for 2024 but another fantastic build, particularly for the LEGO Friends theme, but what do you think? Do you like the Space Research Rover? Are you hoping for more LEGO Friends Space sets in 2024? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.